Wednesday, January 21, 2009


This is my first blog post under the presidency of Barack Obama. I'm extremely pleased. It's the first inauguration that I can remember seeing in my lifetime, and I'm so pleased that America can change for the better now Bush has no control or power. Right now I'm pretty jealous of the way America has an indefinable kind of collective joy presently. The hope and triumph of Obama's victory is something that the UK could do well to relish and share in. It would be wonderful to watch an unknown rise out of the obscurity of the general public to lead Britian into a new era. But I don't think that's going to happen, at least not any time soon. Obama is just about the only beacon of light to be seen through the thick smog of the current economic downturn.

When I think about it in my head, I see Britian as depressed and grey, and America as big, bright and colourful. I don't want to emmigrate or anything - everyone I know and love is here - I just think that when I'm working I will want to travel there regularly. I think everyone should have more sun in their lives than what we get here.

The spag bol I made at school today was delicious. I made the dish simple this week because I did my showy marinated chicken breast complete with diced carrots and dauphinoise last week. I'm not very impressed with the way the food department is run. We've been given a half term to cook anything we feel like so long as we photograph two of them for coursework evidence. We don't have set times to cook, so in theory we could just take 2 weeks to cook and the other 4 to do absolutely nothing. That's why it's useful to have a cooking-mad mum - she is teaching me more about the subject than I'm learning at school. That's why I'm not going to do Food for GCSE. 

Josh is wonderful: he is typing out some science for me because I didn't take a sheet by mistake. I really value things like that, and I'll repay him very soon in some form or another. Maybe I could give him a free piano lesson! No, perhaps not. Anyway, I will find a way!

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